District Governor Brenda Halloran joined reps from the four local clubs to help celebrate the first anniversary of the city's newest Rotary Club!
District Governor Brenda Halloran joined reps from the four local clubs to help celebrate the first anniversary of the city's newest Rotary Club. As part of the celebrations, three new Rotarians were welcomed as new members.
Guests enjoyed birthday cake and cupcakes and a buffet dinner.
Halloran recognized the role of Rotarians as we "Create Hope in the World" which is the international theme for 2023-2024. Rotarians are "People of Action" and Halloran encouraged the club's newest members to help make a difference by getting engaged and participating actively in club, District and international projects.
Nathan Bullock, Marisa Willms and Harmail Basi received their Rotary pins, which are recognized around the world and which gives them access to a global network of 46,000 clubs in 200 countries. Welcome Nathan, Marisa and Harmail!
Thank you also to our sponsor club Rotary Club of Cambridge Preston Hespeler and Past President Todd Lyons, Rotary Cambridge North President Dean Fitzgerald, Assistant District Governor Sean Carragher and Lorraine Carragher and Rotary Cambridge Sunrise Co-Presidents Jen and Keith Clarke for helping us celebrate our first year.